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Looks like Howie may have got a little em-bear-assed at the annual Smoker put on by the Vancouver Gun Club. Yes, I know; I don't believe they let us in there either… But what I really don't understand is why they keep inviting us back!
In other news, for the third time in three appearances, Grant (aka String) won the Grand Prize draw once again! I'd say it was fixed, but if you saw the little jig he danced when they called the winning ticket, you'd be convinced it wasn't either. That kind of enthusiasm can't be faked! The grumbling old farts that got up and left right after the draw didn't seem to be too pleased about it though…
Thanks again VGC; we all had a blast!
By the way Howie, did you get the Bear's number?
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Don't eat yellow clouds!|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/029_dont_eat_yellow_clouds.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Probably the best photo of HiVolt that was ever taken!|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/030_best_pic_of_hivolt_ever.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Here Zak uses his head (more like neck, really) to demonstrate the safe way to tension a cable while it is being fastened to a pole 30 feet in the air. It seems that something is missing though…|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/031_zak_safety_first.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Ahh… using your neck to tension a cable makes so much more sense when there is beer involved!|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/032_zak_safety_first.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|It only looks dangerous in pictures. These are highly trained craftsmen, working with the latest equipment.|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/034_it_only_looks_dangerous.jpg{/slimbox}
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{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Hey Manhole, one day you'll have an assistant and then you can pass the shitty jobs on….|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/040_manhole_gets_the_shitty_jobs.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|I felt bad for Manhole having to risk his life up on the rickety boom truck while we drank beer on the ground. So I fashioned a beer extension device to pass a frosty one up to the poor guy. It almost worked, too… if the 'handle' had been about 12 feet longer…|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/042_manholes_beer_holder.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|Does this photo remind you of anyone we know? And, no, I don't mean Manhole, obviously…|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/043_manholes_beer_holder.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|'Holeos old lady's new ride has a cup holder! (I'm gonna get shot for that one…)|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/044_manholes_beer_holder.jpg{/slimbox}
{slimbox album=|07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee| title=|HiVolt climbs up for an inspection right before almost ripping down the cable with the boom. The end!|}images/stories/articles/07.04.14_ashcroft_workbee/045_hivolt_climbing.jpg{/slimbox}
The annual Eagle Motorplex season kickoff work bee was a massive success! Apparently, all sorts of attendance records were shattered, and EVERYTHING on the various "To Do" lists was completed. OK, so I might be making the last part up, but it seemed that most could not remember such a great turnout of hard workin' people willing to help. All I have for pics are these crappy ones from my phone…
Suspect quality aside, they capture the spirit of HiVolt's (with assistance from Manhole, Zak and various others) 500 foot 248 foot run of data cable out to the ticket booth . ERA Vice President (that stands for Eagle Racing Association, not any of these) Ken Orser and I would have helped but we were too worn out from galavanting around Kamploops doing who knows what. Whew! Who'da thought picking up supplies was so much work, hey Ken?
Seriously though, great work everyone. The place looks so different it's almost hard to recognize! Here's to a kick-ass year the the 'Plex!

I keep seeing this PT Cruiser when I go for lunch. The first time I laid eyes on it, I thought I was hallucinating! Dual Four BBL's? It MUST have an engine swap, right? Well, nope. Just a pair of carb top-plates with an 80's street macheen skoop attached. The best part? The 'carbs' are just bolted straight to the hood…
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Go, Kara… It's yer birfday. We partied like it's your birfday…
Sorry, couldn't resist the Fiddy reference there. Anyways, Last Wednesday (April 11th) a bunch of the Surrey In A Hurry folks met up with a buncha Samz Pub staff and friends and we lit it up! Nothing like a good bender on a school night, right?
Happy Birthday Kara!