Apparently, last weekend at Mission Raceway Park there was a little bit of car swappin’ going on!
First off, the Kondolay’s strapped blocks to the pedals and put a phone book under the seat cushion of Stephan’s digger so that “Little Al” Hampton would be able to see over the cowl. Once that was taken care of, Hampton jumped in and clicked off a 7.72 ET—good enough to upgrade his license! In the first round of Super Combo, Hampton—still in the dragster—was robbed when the sun reflecting off his shit-eating grin caused a red light. The day could have ended much worse for him though when his boner got in the way of steering off track onto the return road. Boing!
Speaking of the Kondolays, Stephan predicted he’d win Super Pro and did just that on Saturday. But Sunday morning he beat up the transmission in the dragster and it was done for the weekend. In the second car swap of the weekend, Stephan jumped in Pete Bereditsch’s bitchin’ Camaro for Super Pro. Unfortunately, the old man’s tranny couldn’t take the beating and expired in the third round. When Stephan hit the burner, the car backed out of the beams for an automatic red light. Even with the loss, Stephan Kondolay is leading this seasons S/Pro points!
In other news, Zak Clarke is apparently tired of playing on the ‘slow’ side of the Door Slammer ladder. He plans on dominating the ‘Dingers with a little more grunt in the Beretta this year. Zak’s quote: “It’s got the chirp!” He’ll have the Beretta and it’s new big-inch bullet out this weekend at MRP. I wonder if Zak will need to change his pants after the first blast?
Oh yeah… did you hear the news? They found MacKenzie’s trailer! 😉

MacKenzie's Trailer Found!
UPDATE: The trailer has been FOUND! Mundy’s Towing found the trailer this morning behind some warehouses in Lake City. Of course, it had been stripped BARE of everything except the Vega’s hard to replace front end. By everything, we really do mean everything: anything that could be unbolted or removed is gone; weather station, tools, pit bike, generators, spare set of wheels, racks, mounts, etc.
There is a couple of pieces of good news though. The first is the previously mentioned front end is still there. Second, the trailer is in seemingly good shape otherwise. But the best piece of news is the dip shit douche bag crooks were dumb enough to dump the thing under video surveillance cameras… the whole thing is caught on tape. Nice!
Thanks to everyone that helped out by spreading the word.
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From the “Just because I can” department, this post is being made while eating breakfast at the Bread Garden. Technology rocks!
Apparently, Zak is in a mad thrash at MRP trying to get a replacement trans and converter in the Baretta to stay in competition today. Good luck buddy; if I could be there I would be!
According to Larry Pfister over at Horsepower Heaven, there might be something a little extra testing out at MRP this weekend:
You might want to plan a trip out to MRP tomorrow [today] for the tnt as we hear a nitro hog or two may well be out along with a new Pro Stocker from south of the border. No idea if they may be staying the weekend, so plan your leisure time accordingly…

We’ve been doing a little cleanup around the site. The maintenance revealed some cracks in the foundation and like all great projects, it spiraled out of control a bit. What we wound up with is a complete frame-off resto of sorts.
Apologies for the dust while we continue to clean up, but in the meantime you can read a little more about the changes.